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Meduza’s wishlist We’ve told the truth about Russia for 10 years. Help us ensure that’s just the beginning.

Source: Meduza

Meduza’s wishlist We’ve told the truth about Russia for 10 years. Help us ensure that’s just the beginning.

Source: Meduza

This month marks 10 years since Meduza’s launch. We know a decade may not seem like a long time for a media outlet — after all, some of you still read the same newspapers your grandparents did. These publications are a part of your identity and something you can always count on. Unfortunately, we don’t have that luxury in Russia (though we hope we will one day). For us, 10 years — all while in exile and under relentless pressure from the Kremlin — is an enormous milestone.

And if it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t be here: without your attention, trust, and support, we would never have made it to 10 years. And we don’t mean that in an abstract sense. In 2022, after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Russian authorities blocked our website for reporting the truth about the war, and international sanctions caused us to lose most of our donations from Russian readers. We weren’t sure we’d survive, but we turned to our international audience — and you saved us.

A year later, the Kremlin banned our work entirely, making it a crime to work for us or even share links to our stories. Despite this, we currently have millions of readers inside the country. Time and time again, the Russian authorities have tried to shut Meduza down — and each time, we’ve remained standing thanks to your unwavering support. This milestone belongs as much to you as it does to us.

Since the Russian authorities labeled Meduza an “undesirable organization” in 2023, anyone in the country who donates to us risks facing felony charges. That’s why we rely on our readers abroad for support. Please help us keep delivering the truth to the millions who depend on us.

If you’d like to celebrate our anniversary with us, here are a few items from our wishlist.

Wish No. 1

First and foremost, we want to keep working. We don’t use paywalls, and our correspondents risk their freedom to provide crucial on-the-ground reporting. Our site faces relentless digital attacks, which cost our assailants hundreds of thousands of dollars. But we refuse to give up. You can help us remain standing by signing up for a monthly donation. A recurring contribution will provide the most effective support, making it possible for us to plan our budget and stay resilient.

And please remember: freedom of speech is as vital as it is fragile. The ability to publish the truth without fear is easy to take for granted, but it’s also easy to lose. We’ll keep fighting for it as long as we can.

Wish No. 2

Tell at least one person about Meduza and explain why our work matters — first of all, to you personally!

You can also show your friends some messages we’ve received from our readers. For people in Russia, our work is essential — just take it from them:



I wish for you all to keep working no matter what. Thanks for doing what you do! In a world of total propaganda, access to independent journalism is vital. And without you, breaking through this information bubble would be a lot harder. Hang in there, and we’ll do the same.



I wish you the resilience to overcome all the hardships of the times we’re in, endure it all, and witness Russia become a free, democratic country. I’m not confident that it’ll happen quickly, but hey, you guys are only 10 years old :) I have hope that you’ll be around to see better days and to write about them.


St. Peterburg

Please don’t stop. Every day when I open Meduza, I not only read the news (and truthful, reliable news at that), but I also see that there are people using their talents to make the world better and more truthful, rather than selling their talents to anyone willing to pay. This helps me stay hopeful that the world isn’t as bad as it seems today.



I’ve only been with you since 2022, but you help me to keep going and stay sane in this world. Keep living, keep writing, and keep finding joy no matter what! And we’ll continue sharing that joy with you.



Meduza provides reliable information, helps me understand the meaning of current events, reassures me that I’m not alone, and helps me not lose my faith in humanity and my belief that we’re in this together, moving in the right direction.



Please just hold on and persevere through these terrible times. Thank you for all you do — it’s an invaluable contribution to the future we’re all striving for.


From Russia, currently living in Los Angeles

Another year has flown by, and you continue to remind us that the truth can be sharp and uncomfortable. May your tentacles reach even deeper into the dark thickets of political intrigue and social upheaval, delivering news that may not always be pleasant but that’s so necessary. I wish for you to remain a beacon shining into the darkest abyss, even when everyone else would rather turn a blind eye. And may every new day be a reminder: Meduza sees everything.



Please hang in there, guys. With all your remaining strength — even when you feel like there’s none left. I know you can do it. I’ve been with you and I’ll stay with you. You guys are doing an amazing job — you’re an example and an inspiration to me.


From Moscow, currently living in the U.S.

Congratulations! I read you and listen to you every day. You provide me with daily confirmation that there are many of us, and yes, you give me hope. But most importantly, you’re documenting history, making a record of every day of this rogue regime.



Thank you guys! I read your work every morning and every evening. In addition to the news, it’s crucial to know that there are like-minded people in the world, that many see things the way I do, and that not everyone is claiming that black is white. And that there’s a place where I can find a clear reflection of what’s happening, insightful articles, updates on the world of culture, and even practical advice (like how to put together a first aid kit, etc.). Thank you so much! I wish you prosperity, each and every one of you. And please, keep doing what you’re doing!


St. Petersburg 

In the Tarkovsky film “The Sacrifice,” a young boy persistently waters a barren tree. And it flourishes. Maybe, one day, Russia will be free. It may take a tremendous amount of time. Thank you for giving us hope. Thank you for being there. Let’s fight against evil together.

You can also challenge your friends to test their knowledge of Russia with this quiz we created to mark our anniversary. After they take it, let them know how Meduza’s work gives you a better understanding of what’s really happening in Russia — and how events there affect the rest of the world.

Wish No. 3

Subscribe to our YouTube channel! We launched it quite recently, and it currently contains episodes of our podcast, The Naked Pravda. But stay tuned — we’ll soon be sharing videos on the most significant developments in Russia. Your subscription and feedback will help support this project.

Don’t have a YouTube account? No problem! Sign up for our newsletters:

  • Meduza’s daily newsletter: Stay updated on the latest developments in Russia and the most important stories from the Russian-language media.
  • The Beet: Meduza’s weekly newsletter featuring original stories focused on Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.

Bringing you the truth about what’s happening every day in Russia is our honor — and a job we don’t take lightly. Thank you for sharing our stories and donating to our work so we can continue our vital reporting.



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