Russia confirms 137 killed in terrorist attack at concert hall outside Moscow, number expected to grow
Update: The confirmed death toll is now 137, says Russia’s Investigative Committee. Unofficial media reports place the number higher, at 143. According to Moscow’s regional Health Ministry, 180 people were injured in the attack. Unconfirmed reports say at least 200 people were injured.
Russia’s Investigative Committee reports that at least 93 people were killed in Friday’s terrorist attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue outside Moscow:
As of now, there are 93 confirmed fatalities. This number will grow. According to preliminary information, the causes of death were gunshot wounds and toxic smoke inhalation.
Russia’s Health Ministry has published an incomplete list of those killed in the attack, with 41 names.
Moscow Governor Andrey Vorobyov said that the death count may “grow significantly.” He added that rescue workers were still clearing the auditorium where “the worst events happened.” Over 200 people may have been in the auditorium when the roof collapsed there from the fire, reported the Telegram channel Baza, citing emergency workers who reviewed security footage.
Baza wrote that 28 bodies were found in a bathroom at the concert hall and 14 more were discovered on an emergency staircase. There is no independent confirmation of this information.
According to Baza’s sources, families were found lying dead together. Some people were clinging to each other when they died, and mothers were found shielding their children.
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