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Russian woman charged with ‘discrediting’ army after crossing out ‘don’t’ on sign reading ‘We don’t abandon our own’

Source: Meduza

A pensioner in Russia’s Krasnodar Krai named Olga Shkiryatova has been fined for “discrediting” the Russian army after she allegedly wrote anti-war messages on “patriotic signs.”

According to RFE/RL's North Caucasus service, Kavkaz.Realii, Shkiryatova left messages on several buildings in the village of Uspenskoye. In one case, she painted “Russia, get out of Ukraine” on the windows of the local community center. Other times, she “edited” existing pro-war banners, such as by crossing out the word “don’t” on a sign that read “We don’t abandon our own.”

A court charged Shkiryatova with a misdemeanor and fined her 30,000 rubles ($373). She pleaded guilty to the charges.

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