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Russia’s Investigative Committee opens inquiry into sexual violence allegations against former ‘MBK Media’ employees

Source: RIA Novosti

Russia’s Investigative Committee has initiated an investigation into the allegations about the alleged gang rape of a woman at the apartment of MBK Media chief editor, Sergey Prostakov, as well as the supposed involvement of MBK Media photographer, Andrey Zolotov, a source in law enforcement told RIA Novosti. 

According to the news outlet Baza, the inquiry was launched in response to gang rape allegations that employee Viktoria Kuzmenko published on Twitter on July 13. Kuzmenko wrote that Prostakov was present during the alleged gang rape and that Zolotov “participated in it a little.”

Last month, reports of harassment, sexual abuse, and rape were made against several men who worked or are still working in Russia’s media sphere, including two Sberbank employees.

Both Prostakov and Zolotov announced their resignation from MBK Media following the allegations. While Prostakov maintains that he can’t remember the night in question (the alleged gang rape took place several years ago), Zolotov denied the rape accusations, adding that he has no way to exculpate himself.

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