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Moscow to lift its coronavirus quarantine tomorrow

Source: TASS

Russia’s capital is turning a major page in its fight against the coronavirus. On Monday, June 8, Moscow Civic Chamber chairman Konstantin Remchukov announced that officials will lift the city’s self-isolation quarantine, permit system, and special schedule allowing walks outside, effective tomorrow, June 9.

Moments after Remchukov’s remarks, Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin made a formal announcement confirming the end of the city’s quarantine on June 9.

An array of businesses, including cafes, are expected to reopen beginning on June 16, though social distancing requirements will remain in place.

On June 7, the news outlets RBC and Interfax reported that Moscow’s permit system would be canceled in the near future. The BBC‘s Russian-language service reported that restaurants will likely resume indoor table service as soon as June 22.