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State Duma passes law exempting participants in Russia-Ukraine war from liability for some crimes

Source: Meduza

State Duma deputies have passed a law that would make soldiers, both professionals and conscripts, who have fought in Ukraine exempt from liability for crimes classified as having a low or medium degree of severity.

Lawmakers also adopted a law that would allow people with criminal convictions and those deemed partially fit to serve in the military during periods of mobilization.

The new laws still have to be approved by the Federation Council and signed by the president. They do not apply to those charged with rape, terrorism, sabotage, treason, or espionage.

Convicts in the Russian Army

The worst of the worst Russia’s Defense Ministry is recruiting prisoners whose crimes would have disqualified them from Wagner Group

Convicts in the Russian Army

The worst of the worst Russia’s Defense Ministry is recruiting prisoners whose crimes would have disqualified them from Wagner Group

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