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Patriarch Kirill urges priests to help the Russian military more

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow believes that the Russian Orthodox Church should do more to help the military, calling on congregations to “mobilize all their parishioners” in a speech published by the Moscow Patriarchate.

“If we say that the Church is with our people, then every congregation should help those who are in the line of fire. We need to mobilize our parishioners to collect things and food. Look for opportunities, collect money, send parcels, if possible go yourself, support service members,” he said during a holiday meal.

During the same speech, Patriarch Kirill compared the war in Ukraine to both the Second World War and the Patriotic War of 1812, when “practically all of Europe united to try to conquer Russia.” Today, added the Patriarch “the whole western world has taken up arms against Russia,” because, he said, Russia offers “a very attractive alternative” to globalization and a general rejection of traditional values.