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Wikipedia fined two million rubles ($32.6k) for articles containing ‘false information’ about war in Ukraine

Source: Interfax

A Moscow court has fined the Wikimedia Foundation, which manages Wikipedia, two million rubles ($32.6k).

The fine was imposed under the article on failure to remove prohibited information (paragraph 2 of Article 13.41 of the Administrative Code) – because of two articles on Wikipedia related to the war.

According to the court, the articles contained “false information about the special military operation.” The court did not specify which articles it was referring to.

In April, a court already fined Wikipedia for its refusal to remove articles about the war, as well as an article about gunpowder. According to the court, the article about gunpowder contained information on how to make explosives. The fine amounted to five million rubles ($81.5k).

Since July, Roskomnadzor has stipulated that search engines mark the Wikimedia Foundation as a violator of Russian law.

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