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Russian lawmakers pass draft legislation that could jail people for 30 days if they invite minors to unpermitted protests

The State Duma has adopted the third and final reading of legislation that imposes extra penalties on people who encourage minors to attend unpermitted demonstrations. Three hundred and forty-two deputies voted for the bill, and just 42 voted against it.

“We can’t ignore the actions of those who incite our youth and our children to commit illegal acts and break the law,” said United Russia deputy Evgeny Revenko, who helped write the legislation. He argued that the law isn’t aimed at parents, and minors are still welcome to attend sanctioned demonstrations.

Communist Party deputy Alexey Kurinny, who opposed the bill, warned that it is open to “very broad interpretations” and “selective enforcement.”

Under the law, first-time offenders will face fines as high as 50,000 rubles ($750), community service, or up to 15 days in jail. Repeat offenders are at risk of 300,000-ruble ($4,490) fines, community service, or 30 days in jail.

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