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Artyom Uss, wanted in the U.S., arrives in Russia after escaping house arrest near Milan

Source: Meduza

Artyom (Artem) Uss, the son of Krasnoyarsk Governor Alexander Uss, is in Russia after having fled from under house arrest near Milan, RIA Novosti reports.

Uss told the press that “strong and reliable people” were by his side over the course of “several especially dramatic days.”

“The Italian court, which I’d at first expected to be dispassionate, has clearly shown it’s clearly politically engaged. Regrettably, it’s ready to bend under pressure from the U.S. authorities,” Uss said.

Krasnoyarsk Governor Alexander Uss has confirmed that his son is in Russia when speaking with the news outlet Baza. “I’ve already talked to my son. He’s made it to Russia. If he wants to tell others how he made it, he can do it himself,” said Uss, Sr.

Artyom Uss had been detained at the Milan Malpensa airport on October 17, at the request of the U.S. law enforcement. If extradited to the U.S., he could have faced up to 30 years in prison.

Shortly after the apprehension, a Moscow court arrested Uss in absentia, in connection with an organized crime and money laundering case. The Russian authorities said they would seek Uss’s extradition to Russia.

On March 23, after an Italian court approved his extradition to the U.S., Uss fled from under house arrest and disappeared in Milan.