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Russian publishers demand to review study claiming 60 percent of children's literature contains ‘destructive content’

Source: Meduza

Representatives from the Russian publishing industry have written an open letter to the Union of Russian Writers, which recently claimed, citing a study, that 60 percent of children’s books supposedly “instill negative attitudes” in young readers. The union argued that these books promote indifference to the future, reduce human nature to basic instincts, or reject traditional gender roles.

Kommersant reports that this study has already prompted the State Duma’s Committee on Family Protection to urge the Russian government to develop measures against the spread of “destructive literature.”

In the open letter, quoted by the newspaper, publishing industry representatives are demanding the full publication of the study so they can “review its methodology and assess the validity of its conclusions.”

So far, more than 357 people have signed the letter, including directors of publishing houses and various children’s authors. The petition continues to gather signatures.