Russian ninth grader reportedly arrested for setting fire to local United Russia party building
On Friday evening, a school student reportedly tried to set fire to the local United Russia party building in Dolgoprudny, a town in the Moscow region, according to the Telegram channel Baza.
In a press release on Monday, United Russia said that while the fire did not cause significant damage to the building, it was an “act of terrorism” and “all participants in the crime” should be held accountable.
According to United Russia, there is a video of the incident posted on anonymous Telegram channels where “an unknown person in a mask says their actions are revenge for Alexey Navalny.” It is unclear what video United Russia is referring to. The person in the video published by Baza says the words “freedom for Russia” and “this is my choice.”
Sources told Baza that counterterrorism officers arrested a ninth grader in connection with the incident and that he was charged with disorderly conduct. There has been no official announcement of the arrest or case.
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