There was an explosion on a railway in Russia’s Nizhny Tagil, reports the Telegram channel Baza. According to the Telegram channel 112, an explosive device was attached to a tanker car of a train that had left a nearby oil depot.
Military security personnel, who were guarding other train cars not far away, were the first to hear the blast. When they got to the scene, they found the damaged tanker car and another explosive device, which was attached to an adjacent tanker car with a magnet, wrote 112.
The Ural Transport Prosecutor's Office told TASS that there was “some type of bang” (how the Russian authorities refer to explosions) on the railway in Nizhny Tagil, but that no one was injured in the incident and railway infrastructure was undamaged.
Train traffic in the area has been restricted due to "operational activities by law enforcement agencies,” according to Russian Railways.
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