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Wives of Russian draftees say the FSB is harassing their husbands on the front line

Source: Meduza

Mobilized soldiers’ wives have reported that Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) agents are harassing their loved ones on the front line. On the Telegram channel Put Domoi (“The Way Home”), Russian women wrote that their husbands had been “called in for interrogation” where the FSB had “confiscated their phones.” According to the women, their husbands were told to record videos saying “everything here is fine,” otherwise the agents threatened to “send them on an assault with no return ticket.” The agents also told the husbands to demand their wives “shut up.”

The draftees’ families promised “international exposure” if something happens to their loved ones:

Everyone will know who did this. We will bring international attention to your atrocities. And all the rotten truth will be revealed and come out. Your illusion of stability will collapse in an instant! Why do we need a president who pretends that we don’t exist? Who lives only in a television completely under his control?

On November 27, Put Domoi published a manifesto and petition against “indefinite mobilization,” accusing the Russian government of turning its back on soldiers and their families. A few days later, a label reading “fake” appeared on the channel. Put Domoi posted a message calling the label a “seal of quality.”

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