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Two-thirds of Russians oppose abortion ban, independent survey finds

Source: Meduza

The majority (67 percent) of Russians oppose a ban on abortion, writes news outlet RBC, citing the results of a survey conducted by independent research company Russian Field.

According to the survey, 25 percent of respondents support the ban. The remaining eight percent either found it difficult to answer or refused to answer. The survey was conducted together with the Agency for Political and Economic Communications by phone on December 4-12. The survey included 1,600 respondents from across Russia.

Among those who opposed the abortion ban, 78 percent were under 29 years old, 72 percent had one child, 71 percent were in a relationship, 79 percent hadn’t completed higher education, and 74 percent earned more than 120,000 rubles (around $1,300) per month.

Of the survey respondents who supported the ban, 29 percent were people 60 years of age or older. 31 percent received specialized secondary education and 31 percent had three or more children. 32 percent of respondents supporting the ban earned less than 40,000 rubles (around $440) per month.

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