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Criminal case opened against Russian journalist for ‘publicly inciting actions against the security of the state’

Source: Meduza

A criminal case has been opened against Russian journalist Andrey Serafimov for “publicly inciting actions against the security of the state.”

It is not clear what exactly sparked the case. Serafimov told Novaya Gazeta Europe he suspects it may have to do with his calls on social media to ignore draft notices and not go to military recruitment offices. Serafimov also said that law enforcement officers had visited his relatives twice, as well as the college where he studies.

“Honestly, it looks very ironic against the backdrop of Putin’s presidential nomination and his statements about there being no political repressions in the country. Of course, this won’t affect my activities. I’ll continue to write as I have been, and under my own name,” Serafimov said.

Since 2019, Andrey Serafimov has worked as a freelance journalist, collaborating with Meduza and Novaya Gazeta Europe. Serafimov also runs the Telegram channel Ulitsa Barkhatnaya (“Velvet Street”).

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