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Adam Kadyrov, who beat defenseless prisoner on video, awarded highest order of Chechen parliament

Source: Meduza

Chechen Governor Ramzan Kadyrov’s three sons — Akhmat, Eli, and Adam — were awarded the highest order of the Chechen parliament, the “Daimekhkhan Siy” (Honor of the Fatherland), reported Chechen Press and Information Minister Akhmed Dudaev.

“Akhmat, Eli, and Adam serve as a bright example for the younger generation! From early childhood, they’ve studied the canons of religion, they are Hafizes of the holy Quran, they achieve success in their studies, sports, and public activities. Like other members of the noble Kadyrov family, they are the true pride of our people, striving in every action to serve the interests of the Homeland!” Dudaev wrote.

For 15-year-old Adam, who beat defenseless prisoner Nikita Zhuravel in a Chechen jail, this is his sixth recent award. It’s unclear for what exactly Kadyrov's sons received the award.

At the end of September, Ramzan Kadyrov posted a video of Adam assaulting Zhuravel, writing that he was proud of his son. Zhuravel was accused of burning a Quran. Since the assault, Adam Kadyrov has been given the Hero of Chechnya title as well as numerous other awards.

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