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Satellite imagery shows ‘unprecedented number’ of freight cars near North Korea-Russia border

Source: Meduza

Rail traffic between Russia and North Korea has increased significantly following Kim Jong-un’s recent visit to Russia, reports Beyond Parallel, referencing satellite imagery.

On October 5, an “unprecedented number” of freight cars (at least 73) was recorded at a railway facility in the city of Tumangang, near the North Korean-Russian border. According to Beyond Parallel’s analysts, “publicly available satellite images over the past five years shows approximately 20 railcars at this facility at most.”

Experts noticed a large number of shipping containers at the facility’s main warehouse area. It remains unclear what exactly is located there. However, Beyond Parallel notes that such containers have not been observed at the Tumangan facility before.

Experts believe that the sharp increase in railway traffic may suggest that North Korea has started to supply Russia with weapons and ammunition.

More on the North Korean leader’s recent visit to Russia

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More on the North Korean leader’s recent visit to Russia

Kim Jong-un arrives in Russia by armored train What we know so far about the North Korean leader’s first visit to Russia since 2019