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Russia’s Justice Ministry adds writer Linor Goralik, among others, to list of ‘foreign agents’

Source: Meduza

Russia’s Justice Ministry has updated its register of “foreign agents” to include, among others, Ukrainian SSR-born Israeli writer Linor Goralik. 

The ministry also designated economist Andrey Illarionov; political scientist Andrey Piontkovsky; deputy head of the Congress of the Oyrat-Kalmyk nation Vladimir Dovdanov; the head of the social movement Citizen. Army. Rights. Sergey Krivenko; activist with the Free Yakutia foundation Sarylgana Kondakova; and writer Tatyana Sotnikova as “foreign agents.” 

According to the Justice Ministry, Goralik, Kondakova, Krivenko, Piontkovsky, and Sotnikova spoke out against Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine and created or disseminated materials for “foreign agents.”

Illarionov, says the agency, “participated as a respondent” on “foreign agent” media platforms, while Dovdanov, among other things, called for actions “which could result in damage to the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.”