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Shebekino district resident complaints of Russian soldiers trespassing and stealing from locals

Source: Meduza

A Shebekino resident writing under the name Natalia Chemerchenko complained to Belgorod Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov on social media Thursday that Russian soldiers in the town of Novaya Tavolzhanka have been behaving “disgracefully” and “stealing personal things and property” from local residents’ homes.

Noting that no state of emergency has been declared and that servicemen therefore do not have the right to enter private property, Chemerchenko said that soldiers have been “living in our homes” and that “alcohol and so on remains in the form of garbage and dirt.” She also said that an ATV was stolen from her garage and has since been spotted multiple times around town. “In addition, people have complained about a stolen trailer,” she added.

“We don’t want our homes, which have suffered from the actions of the Ukrainian military, to be a haven for the ugliness of our defenders,” Chemerchenko said.

The head of the Shebekino municipal district responded that the “complaint has been conveyed to the [city’s] security council.”

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