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Russia places flooded city of Hola Prystan under quarantine

Source: Meduza

Russian forces have decided to place the flooded city of Hola Prystan under quarantine, Ukrainian volunteers told Meduza. The city is located in the part of the Kherson region controlled by Russia.

According to the volunteers, no one is able to enter or exit the city. The volunteers said that Russian special forces arrived in the Kherson region, and may be preparing to “filter” civilians, though this has not been confirmed. They also reported that they were unable to provide civilians in Hola Prystan with humanitarian aid due to the quarantine.

One coordinator of a major humanitarian group chat for volunteers helping to evacuate civilians from the Dnipro River’s left bank told the news media outlet Agenstvo that the military drove through the flooded city on June 10. The military reportedly used a speaker to warn residents that Hola Prystan would be put under quarantine on June 11. One of Meduza’s sources confirmed this information.

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