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Scam artist signs up Sakhalin resident for contract army service without his knowledge

Source: Meduza

An unknown suspect has accessed a 50-year-old Sakhalin resident’s personal account on the government electronic paperwork website Gosuslugi (“State Services”) and signed up the victim for contract service in the Russian army.

The Telegram news channel Baza reports that the culprit messaged the account owner, impersonating a government employee and asking him to share an authentication code from a text message.

Three days later, the victim, who has a diagnosed disability, logged into the website himself and discovered he was signed up to go to Ukraine as an army “volunteer.”

The local police detectives are investigating the incident.

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Russia’s electronic ‘state services’ threaten to become a ‘digital gulag’

‘State Services R Us’ Building a ‘digital gulag’ for draft-eligible Russians is turning into a major headache for the government IT contractor