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Drone packed with explosives found in Moscow region

Source: Meduza

A drone stuffed with explosives has been found in the Moscow Region, TASS and Baza reported.

The drone, according to a TASS law enforcement source, was found on Sunday, April 23, in the Bogorodsky District (Noginsky area) near the Zarya non-commercial gardening allotment. The drone, broken in half, “was taken away for an examination, which will establish who launched it and where it was flying,” the agency’s source said.

According to Baza, the wreckage was found by a local resident who came to the forest to bury her kitten. She did not inform the police because she was afraid of being punished for the unlawful burial of an animal. In addition, writes Baza, she thought it was “someone’s toy” and simply uploaded photos of the drone to the garden association’s chat room. The drone was reported to the police by a chat room participant.

The drone (according to Baza, a UJ-22 Airborn made in Ukraine) was carrying 17 kilograms (~37 pounds) of explosives. Presumably, the drone went down because it ran out of fuel.

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