Nataliya Humenyuk, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s Operational Command South, reported on Monday that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had launched “offensive operations” in multiple directions in the south of Ukraine. According to the Ukrainian Kakhovka Operational Group, both the 109th regiment of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic and Russian air assault forces have withdrawn from their positions in the wake of the Ukrainian attacks. A video posted by the group shows what appears to be a Russian or “DNR” fighter saying that on August 29, Ukrainian troops “broke through the first line of defense.”
In Nova Kakhovka, occupation authorities called for people to evacuate from their workplaces after the city was hit by more than 10 Ukrainian missile strikes in 24 hours, according to a collaborationist official. Residents have reportedly begun taking to bomb shelters.
Meduza cannot immediately confirm these reports.
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