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‘Miserable scumbag’ How Team Navalny reacted to Putin’s statement that he agreed to exchange the opposition leader before his death

Source: Meduza
Ebrahim Noroozi / AP / Scanpix / LETA

At a press conference following Russia’s presidential vote this weekend, Vladimir Putin commented on Alexey Navalny’s death for the first time. Putin, who secured a fifth term in a three-day election plagued with reports of voter intimidation, called Navalny’s passing a “sad event” but noted that such things also “happen in the U.S.” Putin also stated that he had agreed to release Navalny in a humanitarian exchange a few days before the opposition politician’s death. It was the first time the Russian president had ever said the name of his biggest political rival in public. Here’s what Navalny’s associates had to say in response.

As for Mr. Navalny. Yes, he passed away. This is always a sad event. But we’ve had other cases when people passed away in places of detention. Doesn’t this happen in the U.S.? It’s happened more than once.

A few days before Navalny passed away, some colleagues (not administration employees) told me that there was an idea to exchange Mr. Navalny for some people in prison in Western countries. You can believe me or not, [but] the person who was speaking to me hadn’t finished their sentence [before] I said, “I agree.” But, unfortunately, what happened happened.

Maria Pevchikh

Chairwoman of Alexey Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation

I’m at a loss for words. What a cynical, lying piece of scum. Unbelievable.

Georgy Alburov

Investigator for the Anti-Corruption Foundation

If every serial killer were given a press conference instead of a trial, it would look exactly like this. I hate it.

Leonid Volkov

Former chairman of the Anti-Corruption Foundation

Putin referred to Navalny by name for the first time. A month after callously murdering him. And he confirmed it himself — he killed him to avoid an exchange. He’s a blood-sucking bed bug, reveling in impunity. Soon he’ll burst, and what a splatter that will make.

Putin killed Alexey Navalny. Now, he’s decided there’s no need to pretend anymore. He confirmed it himself. And he’s promised to go on killing and killing.

Russia’s Groundhog Day election

With Russia’s three-day voting done, Putin secures his fifth presidential term and 25th–31st years in power

Russia’s Groundhog Day election

With Russia’s three-day voting done, Putin secures his fifth presidential term and 25th–31st years in power

Ivan Zhdanov

Current chairman of the Anti-Corruption Foundation

And he killed Navalny. We know this and we’ll prove it.

He confirmed the exchange and immediately ordered for him to be killed.

Ruslan Shaveddinov

Project manager for the Anti-Corruption Foundation

Putin confirmed that the exchange was in the works. Putin killed Alexey. Miserable scumbag.

Kira Yarmysh

Alexey Navalny’s press secretary

Putin killed Alexey Navalny.

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