Feast your eyes on Russians’ ideal police officer, as depicted by DALL-E A.I.
To mark Russia’s Police Day, a public holiday celebrated on November 10, the state pollster VTsIOM published the results of a survey on popular perceptions of Russian police officers.
One of the survey questions sought to determine the popular image of a typical Russian police officer, by asking respondents to choose between multiple pairs of opposing characteristics.
According to the survey respondents, the following adjectives best describe the typical Russian policeman: neat, brave, strong, sturdy, friendly, competent, ethical, and industrious.
Of course, after reading these flattering terms, we at Meduza wanted to see for ourselves what Russians’ ideal police officer looks like. So, we asked Sberbank’s ruDALL-E neural network to generate an image based on the text “ideal Russian policeman.”
Behold, the result!
VTsIOM’s survey also found that 57 percent of respondents trust the police officers in their region, while 35 percent do not.
More than a third of those surveyed (37 percent) gave the work of the police in the region a good rating. Another 42 percent rated the police’s work as average, while 13 percent rated it as poor. Another 8 percent found this question difficult to answer.