Putin extends ‘non-working’ days until May 11, followed by a gradual exit from self-isolation A brief rundown of the Russian president’s latest coronavirus speech
In April we managed to increase the healthcare system’s safety margin, mobilize [medical] resources, and increase the production of masks, ventilators, and test systems many times over. Now there are many of them, in comparison with what there was not long ago, but not enough in comparison with what is needed now. The daily number of new cases of coronavirus infection has stabilized, relatively, but the situation remains very difficult. Scientists say that the peak has not passed yet. Now we know much more about the coronavirus than a month ago, so we can develop forecasts, strategies, and tactical actions more precisely.
Ahead of the May holidays — in a normal situation many [people] would not be going to work, so the three days of May 6th, 7th and 8th will be non-working. After May 11th, we can begin to phase out the restrictions — the government and Rospotrebnadzor should prepare an action plan. The regions will be able to adopt flexible solutions: in some places the regime will need to be maintained, but elsewhere, softened. We need to be tuned into the fact that there is a complex process ahead, and it is not as quick as we would like it to be.
Cover Photo: «Россия 1»
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