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Photo of the Day Hundreds gather outside Russia’s Supreme Court for Memorial International trial

Source: Meduza
On Thursday, November 25, Russia’s Supreme Court <a href="" target="_blank">began a hearing</a> on the liquidation of Memorial International, the country’s oldest human rights organization. The Attorney General’s Office has accused Memorial of “systematic violations” of the law for allegedly failing to tag its public statements with disclaimers about its “foreign agent” status. Before the start of the hearing on Thursday, more than 300 people gathered outside the Supreme Court, Meduza’s correspondent reported from the scene. Police officers arrested one woman outside the courthouse — she was holding a sign that read “Thank you, Memorial, for remembering us” along with two portraits (presumably of her relatives). The Supreme Court hearing on the prosecutors’ claim will resume on December 14. 
On Thursday, November 25, Russia’s Supreme Court began a hearing on the liquidation of Memorial International, the country’s oldest human rights organization. The Attorney General’s Office has accused Memorial of “systematic violations” of the law for allegedly failing to tag its public statements with disclaimers about its “foreign agent” status. Before the start of the hearing on Thursday, more than 300 people gathered outside the Supreme Court, Meduza’s correspondent reported from the scene. Police officers arrested one woman outside the courthouse — she was holding a sign that read “Thank you, Memorial, for remembering us” along with two portraits (presumably of her relatives). The Supreme Court hearing on the prosecutors’ claim will resume on December 14. 
Evgeny Feldman / Meduza

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