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The number of Russians ready to protest in Moscow keeps rising

Source: Meduza
On August 3, demonstrators plan to stage another unauthorized protest against local election officials’ refusal to register dozens of independent candidates in September’s City Duma race. Since July 14, these events have taken place every weekend, and the August 3 rally will be the fourth, so far. Despite the fact that only one of these protests had a city permit (the Sakharov Prospekt demonstration on July 20, which 22,500 people attended), each subsequent event has attracted more and more people on Facebook.
On August 3, demonstrators plan to stage another unauthorized protest against local election officials’ refusal to register dozens of independent candidates in September’s City Duma race. Since July 14, these events have taken place every weekend, and the August 3 rally will be the fourth, so far. Despite the fact that only one of these protests had a city permit (the Sakharov Prospekt demonstration on July 20, which 22,500 people attended), each subsequent event has attracted more and more people on Facebook.

Photo on front page: Evgeny Odinokov / Sputnik / Scanpix / LETA