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‘GOD, may You keep RUSSIA and the President!’ Two hundred patriotic highway ads from a ‘Slavic’ real estate company have flooded Moscow and the suburbs

Source: Meduza

Residents of Moscow and its suburbs woke up this week to a massive ad buy that featured billboards like “RUSSIA’s TIME has come as the SAFEST PLACE on Earth,” “GOD, may You keep RUSSIA and the President!” and “The RUSSIANS are COMING—goodbye, Hollywood!” The latter slogan rhymes in Russian.

The ads are spread throughout the Moscow area’s major highways, with about 200 bright orange billboards in total:

This true orange revolution is the result of a “social-patriotic” ad campaign by the real estate company Slavic Courtyard. As the firm’s website piously explains, the slogans “make us think deeply, truly inspire us, and give us strength.”

“Right now is a time when we have to turn to the Lord in passionate prayer, in a call for Him to forgive us, all of us, for our sins. In the prayer, “God, may You keep Russia and the President!”

The same real estate agency has previously graced Moscow with a series of patriotic ads like “Russia is a hegemonic world power, God’s last hope on Earth.”