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Covid fashion While under coronavirus quarantine in St. Petersburg, a Russian designer demonstrates Photoshop's salubriousness

Source: Meduza

Designer Artyom Ivanov and several of his friends recently found themselves quarantined at St. Petersburg’s Botkin Hospital, after coming into contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-10. The group ultimately tested negative for the disease and was discharged, but not before Ivanov got the idea to “create” a fashion magazine devoted to style in the age of the coronavirus pandemic. Thus, the faux magazine Botkina Covid Fashion was born.

Ivanov asked his neighbors to photograph themselves inside their wards, and he edited the results into imaginary magazine covers stylized to look like the front pages of Vogue or Harper’s Bazaar

Botkina Covid Fashion features visual gags, like a woman surfing on her medical bed, a man “pumping iron” with water bottles, and a reference to Michelangelo's Creation of Adam (using a thermometer).