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Ryan Gosling's fans in Siberia take him on a birthday tour of their city. (They dressed his plastic cut-out in a fur coat and scarf.)

Source: Meduza

Ryan Gosling turned 38 on November 12. The Tyumen-based news outlet Moi Portal says it wanted to gift the actor something memorable for his birthday. “We decided that the best gift Ryan Gosling could get on his birthday is a stroll through the best city on Earth,” Moi Portal editors told Meduza, referring to Tyumen.

Gosling didn’t make it to the Siberian city, but that didn’t stop Moi Portal from celebrating his special day. Staff got their hands on a plastic cut-out of the actor, and posed the object in front of Tyumen’s many attractions, including the wooden homes on Dzerzhinsky Street, the “Oiler” Community Center, and the Tura River waterfront. To protect “Plastic Gosling” from the city’s subfreezing temperatures, Moi Portal also dressed the cut-out in a fur coat and scarf.

Plastic Gosling’s Tyumen adventure continues on Instagram, where his copy continues to gallivant about town in new posts.

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