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Outspoken Kadyrov critic reportedly avoids deportation from Kyrgyzstan back to Chechnya

Source: Meduza

Mansur Movlaev, a vocal critic of Chechnya Governor Ramzan Kadyrov, has managed to avoid deportation from Kyrgyzstan back to Russia, according to the Telegram channel 1ADAT. “Mansur took his expulsion upon himself, so Kyrgyzstan’s authorities don’t have to worry, and so taxpayer’s money isn’t wasted,” wrote 1ADAT administrator Ibragim Yangulbayev, apparently indicating that Movlaev was able to reach some agreement that allows him to leave for a country besides Russia.

Kyrgyzstani officials arrested Movlaev in late August on suspicion of “adhering to a radical ideology” linked to terrorist organizations in Syria. In October, a court sentenced Movlaev to six months in prison and subsequent expulsion from the country for entering Kyrgyzstan illegally. In that trial, Movlaev’s defense attorney urged the judge to send his client to prison, arguing that “arrest and torture by the Chechen authorities” await him in Russia. A court in Bishkek freed Movlaev on November 20, declaring his sentence to have expired, but the judge left his expulsion in force.

Chechen security officials abducted Movlaev twice in the last two years on dubious charges. Last year, he escaped their custody and traveled to Kyrgyzstan with plans to seek asylum in Europe. Movlaev has repeatedly spoken out against political repressions and human rights violations by Kadryov’s regime in Chechnya.