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Omsk residents who left Russia during mobilization report being summoned for questioning by FSB

Source: iStories

Federal Security Service (FSB) officers in Russia’s Omsk region have begun summoning residents who left the country during mobilization for questioning, the independent outlet iStories reported on Thursday.

“The dialogue went roughly like this: Hello, could you come to us tomorrow at such-and-such address? We need to ask you about why you recently went abroad,” one reader told journalists.

Several other people confirmed to iStories that they were asked to come to the FSB’s regional office in Omsk. “Nobody went to the interrogations, of course,” one resident said.

An employee at the FSB office in question told iStories that the appointments in question are “just ordinary inquiries, not even interrogations.”

Human rights advocates told iStories that these requests are not happening on a large or nationwide scale.

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