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Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church cleric says ‘God will not forgive’ Zelensky for evicting monks from Kyiv Pechersk Lavra

Metropolitan Pavel, the head of the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, where the Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been headquartered since 1992, said in a YouTube video posted Wednesday that “God will not forgive” Volodymyr Zelensky or his family for evicting hundreds of monks from the monastery.

Earlier this month, the state body that oversees the Lavra as a national historic preserve terminated its contract with the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and mandated that its members leave the premises by March 30, citing a violation of the conditions for using state property. The Church refused, and its leadership filed an appeal against the order. On March 29, the Ukrainian government said it would evict the monks and priests if they didn’t leave that day.

“Mr. President. I say to you and your pack that our tears are falling not on the ground, but on your head,” said the clergyman, accusing the Ukrainian president of “throwing” 220 monks “out onto the street. “Woe to you. Be afraid!” he added.

In his daily video briefing to the Ukrainian people on Wednesday, Zelensky said that Ukraine had taken another step towards “consolidating spiritual independence” and “protecting our society from old and cynical Moscow religious manipulations.” He declared Ukraine the territory with the “greatest religious freedom” in its region of Europe.

Ukraine’s Orthodox churches during the war

‘Only God knows the future’ A cleric from the historically Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Kyiv's recent raids

Ukraine’s Orthodox churches during the war

‘Only God knows the future’ A cleric from the historically Moscow-linked Ukrainian Orthodox Church on Kyiv's recent raids