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Teenagers arrested across Russia following an arranged brawl in a Moscow shopping mall

Source: Baza

In cities across Russia, for at least the second day in a row, police have been arresting teenagers who are allegedly part of a new youth subculture called PMC Redan, inspired by the Japanese manga series Hunter x Hunter. The teenagers are allegedly planning mass fights. Publication Baza reports arrests in St. Petersburg, Kursk, Novosibirsk, and Kazan.

Publication Fontanka writes that police and Russian National Guard arrested more than 130 teenagers in a St. Petersburg shopping center, and local outlets from other parts of Russia report similar mass arrests of minors in shopping malls. claims, citing a source in law enforcement, that the arrests started on February 24, after several massive brawls broke out in Moscow shopping centers. The first fight, according to publication Baza, took place on February 19 in the food court of the Aviapark mall. Other arranged fights followed in other Moscow shopping centers.

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