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Ministry of Justice declares journalist Andrey Loshak and others ‘foreign agents’

The Russian justice ministry has once again expanded its list of “foreign agents.” This week, the additions include journalist Andrey Loshak, the historian Andrey Zubov, and the educational project Shkola Vozrozhdenie (Revival School).

A justice ministry bulletin said that Loshak participated in creating and disseminating “foreign agent” materials, spread negative information about the Russian authorities and the activities of the Ministry of Defense, condemned the “special operation,” and “actively interacted with foreign structures.”

Zubov, according to the justice ministry, also participated in creating and disseminating “foreign agent” materials, as well as spreading false information about the Russian government. The Ministry notes that Zubov resides outside of Russia and teaches at foreign universities.

Shkola Vozrozhdenie, says the Ministry, made calls to fight the current government and change Russia’s constitutional order. In addition, most of the school’s lecturers are already listed as “foreign agents,” and live outside of Russia, the bulletin emphasized.

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