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Putin promised to support the families of fighters who go to Ukraine with private military companies

Source: RIA Novosti

The Russian authorities are considering whether to support Russian nationals fighting in Ukraine with private military companies. Putin raised the issue at a meeting with Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova, after she noted that the families of fighters serving in Ukraine with private military companies are not entitled to the same social guarantees as families of Ministry of Defense soldiers.

“We’re looking into it now. Volunteers, those who signed contracts, and those who were mobilized are all fulfilling their sacred duty to the motherland. In this sense, they’re all equal before the motherland. Therefore, concerning guarantees and all protective social measures, they should be in the same situation,” said Putin.

Fighters with the private military company Wagner Group play an active role in combat in Ukraine, though they’re not officially overseen by the Russian defense ministry. Many Wagner volunteers are recruited in Russia’s prisons, where they’re promised pardons after six months of service.