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Ukrainian ambassador calls for Novak Djokovic’s father to be barred from Australian Open after posing with Putin supporters

Source: France 24

Ukrainian Ambassador to Australia Vasyl Myroshnychenko has called for tennis champion Novak Djokovic’s father Srdjan to lose his accreditation for the Australian Open after he was filmed with a fan who was wearing and holding pro-Russia symbols, France 24 reported on Friday.

At the start of the video, the fan addresses “Brother Alexander Zaldostanov,” the head of the pro-Putin motorcycle gang the Night Wolves. He then says, “To our brothers in Moscow!” to which Srdjan Djokovic adds, “Long live Russia!” The fan in the video is wearing a t-shirt with the letter Z and the phrase, “Wherever we are, there is Russia.”

The incident occurred on January 25. Australia's tennis association, Tennis Australia, said that several people with “inappropriate” flags and symbols were removed from the venue.