Twenty regions across Russia are fielding more than 40 ‘volunteer battalions’ in Ukraine, promising big payouts
Local officials and veterans’ groups in at least 20 regions across Russia have formed more than 40 “volunteer battalions” to join the invasion of Ukraine, sources told the newspaper Kommersant. The formations include motorized rifle, tank, and artillery battalions and companies, as well as support units. The volunteers in these groups reportedly fight as contract soldiers, signing months-long agreements with Russia’s Defense Ministry.
Salaries range widely from region to region (for example, the minimum offer in Perm is reportedly 300,000 rubles — almost $5,000 — per month), though some men say they haven’t been paid on time. The Defense Ministry also offers special bonus payments for completing successful operations and remaining “on the offensive.”
Kommersant’s sources confirm previous reporting by The Institute for the Study of War, which said in mid-July that “the Kremlin likely ordered Russian […] regions to form volunteer battalions to participate in the Russian invasion of Ukraine, instead of declaring partial or full mobilization.” The independent Russian news media has previously reported that Russia has also used the Wagner private military company to recruit in prison populations, offering money and pardons to inmates who agree to fight in Ukraine as mercenaries.