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Moscow Mayor orders all city residents with respiratory infections to self-isolate at home

Moscow residents with symptoms of acute respiratory illnesses should practice complete self-isolation at home, just like COVID-19 patients, says a new order signed by Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin on April 21. 

Muscovites living with those who have fallen ill should also practice self-isolation, but not as strictly. They can still leave the house in order to take out the trash, walk their pets or run errands at the nearest store or pharmacy. However, they can only use public transportation if they need to go to the hospital.

  • On the morning of April 21, Russian officials announced that the country recorded 5,642 new coronavirus infections in the past day, bringing the nation’s total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases to 52,763 patients. A day earlier, health officials reported 4,268 new cases.
  • The latest infections were reported nationwide, including in Moscow (+3,083) and the Moscow region (+718).