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World’s first floating nuclear power station begins operations in Russia’s Far East

Source: Rosatom

In the far eastern Russian region of Chukotka, the first nuclear power station located on a waterborne vessel has begun operations, Rosatom announced. The station is named the Academic Lomonosov.

The Academic Lomonosov floating nuclear power station.

The station’s generators, located in the city of Pevek, were used to light up the local New Year’s tree. The construction of the Academic Lomonosov took 13 years, according to the BBC Russian Service. Rosatom said the station is the only one of its kind, but one physicist opposed to the project said the midcentury American power station Sturgis in fact preceded the Lomonosov.

Opponents of the new Russian project have pointed to potential safety concerns, while its sponsors have said the station will be able to supply sufficient energy to cities with up to 100,000 residents.