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Russian developers present 30 million-ruble telephone with quantum encryption technology

Source: Vedomosti

The Russian technology company Infotecs and the Center for Quantum Technologies at Moscow State University have announced the development of the ViPNet QSS Phone, Russia’s first telephone to feature quantum encryption technology.

Vedomosti reported that the ViPNet QSS is a stationary telephone that generates random keys for both of its users and then uses photons to exchange those keys. Because the quantum states of the photons are modified if any external measurement is applied to them, the security of the telephone’s connection is extremely reliable. However, the telephone cannot operate over a distance of more than 20 kilometers (12.4 miles).

Infotecs invested around 700 million rubles ($10.7 million) to develop the telephone, of which 140 million ($2.1 million) were provided by a Science and Education Ministry subsidy, according to Vedomosti. Developers plan to begin producing commercial units of the telephone before the end of the calendar year and selling them for around 30 million rubles ($459,300). Infotecs is known for creating cybersecurity programs for Russian intelligence and defense services, but developers said they have approached other clients like the state-owned bank Sberbank as potential customers ahead of the high-security telephone’s commercial release.