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Russia's Writers' Union and Investigative Committee sign a cooperative agreement

The Union of Russian Writers and the country's Investigative Committee signed a cooperative agreement, on Monday. The  document was signed by union chairman Valery Ganichev and investigative committee head Alexander Bastrykin.

"It is becoming a more and more  important and difficult task to preserve and protect the historical truth and reliably ensure the security of Russia's information. Therefore, [through our combined efforts], we will be able to make a contribution to the fight for the minds of the young generation," said Bastrykin.

Ganichev said in turn that "writers are by nature the same thing as investigators ... They explore various spheres of human life [and] study the causes of societal processes."

According Ganichev, the endeavor "gives young writers the opportunity to make a more in depth study of the image of an investigator and translate it into a work of art."

Alexander Bastrykin was admitted to the Russia's Writers' Union at the beginning of June 2016.

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