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Deputy head of Russia's investigative committee accuses Security Service of interfering with court decisions

Source: TASS

The lawyers of the Denis Nikandrov, Deputy Chief of the Moscow branch of Russia’s Investigative Committee, have challenged the city’s Lefortovo Court, reported news agency TASS on Monday. The defense argues that the court’s head had received a letter from the head of Russia’s security service the FSB asking that the proceedings on the prolongation of Nikadrov’s arrest be dealt with behind closed doors and chose to act upon this request.

“We believe that this issue should be addressed at a court hearing,” Nikandrov’s lawyer said.

Nikandrov supports his lawyers’ position and believes that the court’s neutrality has been compromised by pressure from the FSB.

The Lefortovo Court has dismissed these allegations, reported news agency RIA Novosti.

On July 19, Nikandrov was placed under arrest along with security department head Mikhail Maksimenko and the latter’s deputy Alexander Lamonova on the accusation of large-scale bribery.

According to investigators, the Investigative Committee employees had been protecting criminals. Information from unofficial sources suggest that Nikandrov, Maksimenko and Lamonova could have been turning a blind eye to the activity of crime boss Zachary Kalashov, also known as Shakro Molody. Kalashov has also been placed under arrest.

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