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Russia's attorney general says a Ukrainian nationalist group tried to use the Internet to topple the Kremlin

Source: RIA Novosti

Supporters of the Ukrainian nationalist group Right Sector tried organize mass unrest in Russia, in order to stage a coup, according to research Russian Attorney General Yuri Chaika will present to the Federation Council tomorrow, April 27. 

The news agency RIA Novosti reported today that Chaika will claim Right Sector tried to use the online social network Vkontakte to stage riots in Russia with the aim of toppling the government.

Right Sector responded to the allegations, denying any effort to topple the Kremlin, reportedly saying, “We have our hands full in Ukraine right now.”

Right Sector was banned in Russia in November 2014. In March 2014, Russian investigators charged Dmitry Yarosh, Right Sector's leader at the time, with inciting terrorism and extremism.

Yarosh and several other Ukrainian nationalist leaders are also being investigated in a separate Russian criminal case. They are suspected of participating in an armed group that fought against federal troops in Chechnya.

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