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Chechen leader posts video showing opposition politicians in sniper crosshairs

Source: Meduza

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov has published a video on his Instagram account, which depicts opposition politicians Mikhail Kasyanov and Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr. being sighted in the crosshairs of sniper's telescopic scope. The video is accompanied by a message from Kadyrov that reads, “Kasyanov has arrived in Strasbourg for the Russian opposition's money.”

An article posted on the pro-Kremlin news agency Lifenews website shares the same title as Kadyrov's message. The article claims the purpose of Kasyanov's trip was to obtain financing for the Russian opposition (though the text offers no evidence other than a series amateurish video clips). The footage is shot and arranged in such a way as to give the impression that Kasyanov was being spied upon. Some of the recording also shows Kasyanov being accompanied by opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza Jr., who fell into a mysterious coma last year. (Kara-Murza believes he was poisoned.)

(The Lifenews video clips, it should be noted, lack the telescopic sniper crosshairs.)

Kadyrov's Instagram message ends with the sentence in capital letters, “Whoever hasn't understood, will understand this.” This phrase has appeared in several of Kadyrov's more outlandishly staged publicity videos, composing what is said to be an unreleased action film starring Kadyrov himself.

Update: The controversial video was later deleted from Kadyrov's Instagram account. According to the newspaper Vedomosti, a representative from Instagram says the network's own operators removed the video on the grounds that it violated Instagram's terms of service.

In mid-January, Ramzan Kadyrov published several harsh statements against Russia's “non-systemic opposition,” calling its members traitors and enemies of the people. He later explained that he was talking about liberal activists who work to weaken Russia in cooperation with Western intelligence agencies.

Kadyrov's proclamations have drawn sharp criticism and the indignation of human rights activists. The Kremlin has avoided criticizing Kadyrov's remarks.

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