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Peskov: ‘There are no problems whatsoever’ with Putin's factual errors

Source: Interfax

Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov dismissed suggestions of incompetence by President Vladimir Putin in his reponses to several questions from the media at his annual press conference on December 17.

“If Municipal Moscow Deputies have information on the parking situation that in fact differ from what is officially declared, they have every right to say so publicly. There are no problems whatsoever,” said Peskov in response to comments from journalists about the Russian head of state's words not corresponding to the actual pay-parking situation in the capital. The issue of pay-parking “has no bearing on the President's agenda. This is a city related matter,” Peskov said.

Peskov also commented on Putin's answer about the participation of Governor Turchak in the beating of the journalist Kashin. “The main thing is not what the media are writing about. What was central in the president's answer related to an investigation, which is ongoing,” said Peskov. “In sum, [Putin] is not an investigator nor is he a judge, and neither can members of the media take on the role of investigators or courts,” said the Presidential Press Secretary.

“To make an assumption that the President can operate with inadequate information is not true. This would be a false [assumption], in my opinion,” said Peskov.


Vladimir Putin's annual press conference was held December 17. Several of the President's answers to the hall of journalists contained factual errors. Following the conference, Meduza made a list of  Putin's inconsistencies.

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