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Young man nearly robs a bank in Krasnoyarsk, but 66-year-old Soviet military veteran says nope, not happening

Source: Meduza

Last week, on August 24, a masked man in Krasnoyarsk entered a bank armed with a homemade gun and stole 600,000 rubles ($9,250). The robber nearly made it out of the bank, too, except he was unlucky enough to encounter Alexander Gorbachev, a 66-year-old veteran who spent 27 years in the Soviet military, including special operations in Somalia, Iraq, and Pakistan. In fuzzy security-camera footage, you can watch Gorbachev pounce on the bank robber and pin him to the ground, until more help arrives. The retired officer says he called on his military experience, when disabling the criminal.

An old man neutralizes an armed robber at a Sberbank in Krasnoyarsk (August 24, 2016).
Andrei Masaltsev

On Monday, August 29, the bank and local police officers awarded Gorbachev for his bravery. The police presented him with a formal letter of thanks, and for some reason: a free mobile phone, an emergency road kit, and a special frame for his car's license plate. The bank gave him a wristwatch and a separate letter of thanks. Gorbachev also received an unspecified amount of money, deposited into his bank account, which eliminated his standing debts.

[His] debts are forgiven. The hero who caught the armed robber at Sberbank has received an award from the bank and a new mobile phone from the police. The 66-year-old veteran explains how he decided to capture [the robber]. In Krasnoyarsk, Sberbank forgives the debt of the pensioner who caught an armed robber at one of its banks. The incident occurred on August 24 at a Sberbank branch.
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