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Russian app developers just reinvented your photo library

Source: Meduza

Former programmers at Yandex and have released a new mobile app called “Prisma,” which lets you convert your photos into images that resemble the styles of famous painters and artists.

The app's developers told Meduza that they were able to equip their mobile software (which is currently available only on iOS) with an artificial intelligence that is capable of “redrawing” users' photos. The developers say the app, over time, will begin to suggest certain styles, depending on an uploaded photograph's contents. 

Prisma launched on June 11. In the past five days, images made using the app have been appearing in large numbers on Instagram and Facebook, showing off what the new tool can do.

Prisma is free iOS app. Its developers promise to add new filters regularly. An Android version of the app is expected next month, in July 2016. 

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